What’s the difference between tilde(~) and caret(^) in package.json

In the dependencies section of a package.json file, the tilde (~) and caret (^) symbols are used to specify the version range of a package that your project depends on. The tilde (~) symbol specifies a version range that is compatible with the latest patch version of a package. For example, ~1.2.3 would match any … Read more What’s the difference between tilde(~) and caret(^) in package.json

Explain: Arrow function or fat arrow function

What is arrow function
Arrow function also known as fat arrow function

The best feature ever release by javascript is the Arrow function. An arrow function is also known as a fat arrow function. Basically the use of arrow function is a concise way to write the function in javascript.

Read moreExplain: Arrow function or fat arrow function

Explain: Three dots or spread operator

Three dots or spread operator
Javascript Three dot is spread operator or syntax

Unbelievable Feature release by ES6. it’s called spread operator or rest operator
The spread operator is used for spread syntax. This operator use in array and object. We also called spread elements

Read moreExplain: Three dots or spread operator