What’s the difference between tilde(~) and caret(^) in package.json

In the dependencies section of a package.json file, the tilde (~) and caret (^) symbols are used to specify the version range of a package that your project depends on.

The tilde (~) symbol specifies a version range that is compatible with the latest patch version of a package. For example, ~1.2.3 would match any version 1.2.x, where x is a patch version number, but would not match 1.3.0.

The caret (^) symbol specifies a version range that is compatible with the latest minor version of a package. For example, ^1.2.3 would match any version 1.x.x, where x is a minor or patch version number, but would not match 2.0.0.

In general, using the caret (^) symbol is more permissive and allows for greater flexibility in updates while using the tilde (~) symbol provides a more conservative approach, ensuring that only compatible patch-level updates are installed.