The Map object store key-value pairs and remembers the original insertion order of the keys
The set object store unique value of any types, It’s maybe primitive or object types
Garbage collection (GC) is a crucial aspect of memory management in programming languages, including Ruby on Rails. The primary purpose of garbage collection in Rails is to automatically reclaim memory that is no longer in use or referenced by the program. Here are some key reasons in details, why garbage collection is essential in Rails:
querySelectorAll and getElementsBy* are two methods used to select elements from the DOM (Document Object Model) in JavaScript. 1) querySelectorAll: The querySelectorAll method returns a non-live NodeList of all elements matching a CSS selector within the document. The returned NodeList is a static collection of elements and is not updated when the DOM is updated. … Read more what is the return value of querySelectorAll and getElementsBy* and which is more preferred?
JavaScript and Python are popular programming languages used for different purposes. Some key differences between the two include: Syntax Python has a more straightforward and simple syntax, while JavaScript uses a syntax that is closer to C programming language. Interpreted vs Compiled Python is an interpreted language, meaning that its code is executed line by … Read more How JavaScript is different from python
The Map object store key-value pairs and remembers the original insertion order of the keys
The set object store unique value of any types, It’s maybe primitive or object types
Loop executes the same code of block again and again. Loop is a control flow statement for specifying iteration, which allows code to be executed repeatedly. Repetitive task within a program to save time and effort.
The best feature ever release by javascript is the Arrow function. An arrow function is also known as a fat arrow function. Basically the use of arrow function is a concise way to write the function in javascript.