The Power and Simplicity of Ruby on Rails Framework

In the world of web development, there are numerous frameworks to choose from, each with its own set of advantages and features. One such framework that has gained immense popularity is Ruby on Rails (RoR). In this blog post, we will explore why Ruby on Rails is a preferred choice for many developers and businesses … Read more The Power and Simplicity of Ruby on Rails Framework

How JavaScript is different from python

JavaScript and Python are popular programming languages used for different purposes. Some key differences between the two include: Syntax Python has a more straightforward and simple syntax, while JavaScript uses a syntax that is closer to C programming language. Interpreted vs Compiled Python is an interpreted language, meaning that its code is executed line by … Read more How JavaScript is different from python

Include v/s Extend

When we include a module into a particular class, the module methods are imported as instance methods. Whenever we extend a module into a class, the module methods are imported as class methods. I hope you guys enjoy and clear your concept about include and extend. If you want more helpful tips and trick just go through this link:

Ruby on Rails : Callbacks V/S Observers

Observers 🧐 Observer lives longer.It can be attached & detached at any time.It is used when method is not directly associated to life cycle of Active Record objects.If you want to create observer with command-line you need to add gem first because without observer gem you couldn’t run any observer generator command so first add … Read more Ruby on Rails : Callbacks V/S Observers